
Light Monitoring

Lighting Possibilities for Every Room

Advanced, flexible lighting solutions that enable you to monitor and control lighting throughout your facility on a room-by-room basis.

A powerful answer to your lighting needs, the Light Control package includes:

  • Dual-level lighting
  • Low level, high level, and night lighting
  • Blink warnings
  • Relay failure recovery
  • Alarming and reporting


Since animal behavior and well-being are linked to light, exposure to consistently scheduled lighting is critical. Avidity Science® lighting is designed specifically around the needs of the vivarium, ensuring lights turn on and off in each room according to the schedule you specify. The system provides flexible lighting schedules for each room using four different light states: low level, high level, night light, and no light.

To properly simulate daylight, our dual-level lighting provides on and off cycles that keep animals in tune with their proper day/night pattern. Dual light levels allow for a lower level "daylight" on a preset schedule, with a temporary override to provide higher-level lighting for staff work. Our lighting also includes a programmable light blink safety feature to warn personnel working in a room that lights will be turning off soon. For example, room lights may blink at five minutes and again at two minutes prior to shutting down.

The system allows each room to have flexible lighting schedules using four different light states: Low level, high level, night light, and no light. The system also has a light blink safety feature that gives advance notice prior to the lights turning off providing personnel time to conclude activities or override the lighting schedule.


Advanced Light Module (ALM) Specifications


  • Provides consistent, reliable lighting schedules to protect animal welfare.
  • Light control includes flexibility for reverse day/night rooms.
  • Relay recovery feature ensures lighting schedules are never disrupted.
  • Sensors continuously verify light levels in the room, and all changes are logged with a date and time stamp.  
  • Personnel are immediately notified via phone or email when lights in a particular room deviate from the programmed schedule.
  • Lighting reports are easily generated and clearly identify lighting schedule variations.
  • Simplistic programming and intuitive user controls make it easy to manage and adjust your lighting schedules

Standard Light Control

Light control is both reliable and flexible; providing a dual light level that allows a reliable lower-level "daylight" on a preset schedule, with a flexible temporary override to provide higher-level lighting for staff work. Light level in the room is continuously verified and all changes are logged. If a light is burned out, a notification is sent to key personnel.

Advanced Light Module (ALM)

The ALM gives authorized personnel the ability to create the lighting schedule on a room-by-room basis. The ALM supports low level, high level, and night lighting while providing lighting control, monitoring, alarming, and reporting. These unique features make this product a powerful answer to light control and monitoring needs.

The system allows each room to have flexible lighting schedules using four different light states: Low level, high level, night light, and no light. The system also has a light blink safety feature that gives advance notice prior to the lights turning off providing personnel time to conclude activities or override the lighting schedule.