Shower Nozzle, 1/3 Circle, 8' Radius, 0.60 GPM, (Tip Only)

This shower nozzle (Light Blue) discharges a coarse droplet shower at 0.60gpm (36gph).
Availability: In stock
This shower nozzle (Light Blue) discharges a coarse droplet shower at 0.60gpm (36gph). The nozzle discharges an 8 ft. radius, 1/3 circle pattern (130-150 degrees).

This nozzle is ideal for the intermittent wetting of the backs of dairy cows while standing at the feed bunk in the loafing barn.
More Information
Product Name Shower Nozzle, 1/3 Circle, 8' Radius, 0.60 GPM, (Tip Only)
SKU 2320-6178-005
ISO 9001 No
ISO 17025 No