Cool Sense Single Direction Kit

A complete kit for providing cooling showers over a single direction exit lane.
Availability: In stock
This is a complete kit containing a controller, 2 sensors, 1 manifold kit, 1 electric valve (1 FPT), 1 flushable filter and all wire and mounting hardware to connect the components together. The single direction kit should be used to shower cows in exit lanes or other areas where the cow traffic would all be travelling in the same direction. The two high volume shower nozzles can be adjusted on the single manifold to cover lane widths ranging from 3 feet up to approximately 10 feet in width. A wider alley or lane should either have additional nozzles or a second system in order to get proper coverage. The system is completely automated. Temperature and motion activated. Provides individual cooling showers to cows as they pass beneath the system, but minimizes wasted water. If a Bidirectional system is required, all that is needed is a second manifold kit, P/N 7400-8941-101. There is a 2 year warranty on the Controller, 1 year on all other components.
More Information
Product Name Cool Sense Single Direction Kit
SKU 7400-8941-100
ISO 9001 No
ISO 17025 No