Central Proportioner

Features & Benefits: Easy method of chlorinating or acidifying animal watering systems to maintain water quality. Automated systems of medicating animal drinking water, assuring consistent proportions and delivery. 316 stainless steel cabinet with corrosion resistant wetted parts for long-term durability. optional connection to Remote Alarm Indicator or Watchdog V5 allos for remote alarming.
Availability: In stock
The central proportioner is an automated, inline unit that provides treated drinking water to animal watering systems. The central proportioner provides a constant ration of chlorine, acid or medication to water as it flows through the unit.
More Information
Product Name Central Proportioner
Feed Water Source Tap, Treated Water
Industry Vivarium
Max Daily Usage XX l/day
Water Quality <1400µS
Product Rate XX l/hr
ISO 9001 No
ISO 17025 No