A160 Drinking Valve with Shielded Tip/QD2 Cap

This A160 Shielded Drinking Valve has a QD2 plug cap with check valve. It fits the QD2 socket, P/N 1660-8900-210, which is a locking quick disconnect. Fits all racks except Tecniplast.
Availability: In stock
This A160 Shielded Drinking Valve has a QD2 plug cap with check valve. It fits the QD2 socket, P/N 1660-8900-210, which is a locking quick disconnect. Fits all racks except Tecniplast. Flow Rate: Fixed at 25-50 ml/min. Animal use: mice and rats.
More Information
Product Name A160 Drinking Valve with Shielded Tip/QD2 Cap
SKU 1000-1665
ISO 9001 No
ISO 17025 No
  1. A150/A160 Animal Drinking Valve Diaphragm Replacement Diaphragm for A150 and A160 Drinking Valve.